1. General Provisions
  1. This Agreement defines the sequence of providing services related to the exchange of virtual money using the functionality of the Online Service.
  2. The Online Service means an online resource hosted on the website for transactions of digital funds - WillowsUnited.
  3. User - an individual or legal entity expressing a desire to use the services and functions of the WillowsUnited Online Service.
  4. In this Agreement, the User and the WillowsUnited Online Resource will be referred to as the "Parties".
  5. The Parties agree that this Agreement in electronic form will have the same legal force as a paper document for the settlement of business relationships between Users (legal or private person) and a party providing services of a certain type (WillowsUnited).
  6. This Agreement is a public offer that the User registers by filling out and submitting an application using the WillowsUnited Online Service web resource for the provision of exchange services provided by the service.


  1. Object of the Agreement
  1. The WillowsUnited online resource provides the exchange services specified in clause 4 of this Agreement, subject to the User scrupulously observing the standards formed in clause 9 of this Agreement. The sequence of their provision is determined by the internal Regulations of the WillowsUnited Online Resource, defined in paragraph 5 of this Agreement.
  2. The User accepts transactional services from the WillowsUnited Online Resource, pays for them subject to the conditions specified in the Agreement.


  1. Rights and obligations of the Parties
  1. The WillowsUnited online service must :
  2. Perform the conversion of electronic currencies of online payment systems. For example, Qiwi, Payeer, Perfect Money, Yandex.Money or others in compliance with the standards specified in this Agreement.
  3. Provide the User with technical and informational support in the process of making money transfers using the resources of the WillowsUnited Online Service.
  4. Ensure the storage of detailed data on completed exchange transactions (individual information of Users, date and time of the exchange, their amount or other data) and give it to the Users who carried out these operations. Information about money transfers made in any direction with different payment systems has the status of "Confidential" and is not subject to disclosure.
  5. Do not give information about transactions to third parties. The following cases will be an exception:
  • in the event of a decision by a judicial organization (located at the location of the WillowsUnited Online Service of the relevant decision, which is legally binding;
  • if the management of the website has received an official request from law enforcement organizations or financial control institutions that operate at the location of the WillowsUnited Online Service;
  • when contacting the administration of partners (online payment systems), which are listed above.
  1. Take into account data on discounts issued to Users.
  2. Ensure that funds are credited to the account of the User or a third party within one day after the receipt of the application-complaint in the situations provided for in clauses 3.2.5, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 of this Agreement.


  1. The user is obliged:
  1. Provide real data and real details for fast and timely cash transactions.
  2. Show the correct information about the used, electronic, mailbox.
  3. Provide the ability to send system alerts to a personal email address. Have access to the Internet using a computer, laptop and other electronic computing equipment. Use the latest versions of anti-virus software to establish a secure connection to the WillowsUnited Online Resource.
  4. Comply with the conditions prescribed in the Agreement.
  5. Notify the management of the WillowsUnited Online Service of any cases when the transferred electronic money, in whole or in part, was not credited to the account of the User or a third party. And also about the precedents prescribed in clauses 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6 of this Agreement. The corresponding application should be sent to the administration of the service no later than 30-31 days after the money should have been credited to the account. In case of non-fulfillment of this condition, the disputed amounts are credited to the account of the WillowsUnited Online Service and remain at its disposal.
  6. Follow the laws that govern the rules for online transactions.
  7. Do not use various traffic cheat systems.


  1. WillowsUnited online service has the right to:
  1. Temporarily delay the operation of the site, in order to modernize it or to eliminate errors, malfunctions.
  2. Stop the execution of any transactions until the situation is clarified, in case of contacting the site administration of the competent organizations, the management of the payment systems listed in the Agreement or the User"s complaints about fraudulent activities.
  3. Determine the percentage of the discount on exchange transactions at your discretion.
  4. Set the size of the commission that is payable for completed transactions.
  5. Refuse to provide services to a potential User without explaining their motives and actions.
  6. Receive from the User data confirming the exchange operation using his e-mail, cell phone, screenshot of an electronic wallet, if the transaction was completed by an error.
  7. Terminate any communication with the User who is rude, asks questions that are not related to the topic of discussion, does not provide the necessary information to the support service.
  8. Block the exchange, based on clauses 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, as well as the Regulations.
  9. Block the implementation of any operations and not give funds to the User until he confirms his identity.
  10. If the obligations written in clause 3.2.7 are not observed, the Resource Management has the right to block the account of the User who violated this paragraph of the Agreement, as well as the transition generator itself.
  11. In case of unjustified enrichment by the User with virtual money of the WillowsUnited Online Service or other Internet services involved in the exchange of electronic money, the Management (of the WillowsUnited exchange site) has the right to stop the submitted application until all the reasons and circumstances are clarified, and also not to reimburse the unjustifiably received money and set ownership rights.


  1. Services provided
  1. The WillowsUnited online service exchanges virtual funds of the Bitcoin, Qiwi, Payeer, Perfect Money, Yandex.Money and other payment systems using banking institutions (the list is posted on the website).
  2. The WillowsUnited online service is not required to check the legality of the User"s possession of the funds used in the exchange process.


  1. Regulations for the exchange of electronic money
  1. Transactions start from the moment of receipt from the User of money sent for exchange. If virtual funds are not credited within 20 minutes according to the application made by the User, then it is automatically deleted by the security service of the WillowsUnited exchange site. If the receipt of money on the submitted application is over the appointed time (1 hour 30 minutes for cryptocurrency), it is processed at the current rate from the moment the funds are credited from the User.
  2. The operation is considered completed after the transfer of money to the account, the details of which are specified by the User.
  3. The user cannot cancel the transaction already taken into processing, return the money credited for the exchange.
  4. If the User has received an amount different from that specified in the application during its execution, then the WillowsUnited Online Service has the right to temporarily suspend the exchange until the User applies. According to paragraph 3.2.5, the payment of the amount received is made at the rate that was in effect at the time of the transaction.
  5. If the User has entered invalid or blocked details, then the transaction is completely stopped. The funds received are sent to the User"s account, on the basis of his application sent to technical support, in accordance with clause 3.2.5 of this Agreement.
  6. If the User has changed the notes to the payment being made or has paid the invoice from a third-party account, then this transaction may be blocked. In this case, the refund is made after the User"s application on the basis of clause 3.2.5 (of this Agreement).
  7. If the User accepts the Bitcoin cryptocurrency, then the time for confirming the operation (receipt of funds) depends on the Bitcoin online system itself. This process takes from 15 minutes to several days. It all depends on the employment of the Bitcoin system. The online exchange service WillowsUnited is not responsible for the timing of transactions and their confirmations in the Bitcoin network.
  8. In any case, when a refund is made, a commission of 5% is withheld, except for clause 12.4.


  1. Guarantees and liability of the Parties
  1. The WillowsUnited online service does not assume responsibility (material and moral) for the incorrect use of the service functions by the User, as well as the errors that were made by him in the process of entering information into individual paragraphs of the application of the standard form for the execution of the exchange of electronic funds. Even if the money was credited to the wrong account, the cancellation of the operation or a refund is not made.
  2. The WillowsUnited online service is not responsible for any loss or any loss caused by the inability of the User to use the technology as a whole or its individual elements.
  3. The WillowsUnited online service is not responsible for any actions of banks, institutions or online payment systems that resulted in errors or transaction delays.
  4. The WillowsUnited online service is not responsible for any costs, losses and lost profits incurred by the User if the reason was the User"s wrong opinion regarding tariffs, profitability of the operations performed and various individual moments.
  5. The WillowsUnited online service is not responsible for various types of costs that arose due to errors or hitches in the execution of electronic transfers or payments.
  6. The user testifies that he is the rightful owner or has all the legal reasons for using the money involved in the exchange.
  7. The User agrees to fully reimburse the losses to third parties that have arisen indirectly or directly in connection with the incorrect use of the functionality of the service by the User.
  8. The User guarantees that at the time of using the WillowsUnited Online Service, he has reached the age of majority, in accordance with the laws of the country where the User is located.


  1. Changing data
  1. The management of the WillowsUnited Online Service has the right to supplement or change this Agreement at any time. At the same time, the changes made come into force and begin to be used only after they are published on the site.


  1. Force majeure
  1. The Parties are released from any liability for failure to fulfill or delay in fulfilling their obligations under this Agreement, in the event of force majeure circumstances. These include: natural disasters, any acts of competent authorities, wars, fires, explosions, terrorist attacks, floods, riots, cyber attacks by hackers, mass, civil riots. They also include the absence or failure of the power grid, access to the Internet, communication services or other systems.


  1. Prerequisites for conducting exchange transactions
  1. You may not use the WillowsUnited Online Service to engage in illegal or fraudulent transactions. The user agrees that for any attempt to change the funds in doubt, he will be punished in accordance with the laws of the country where the transaction was made.
  2. The WillowsUnited online service has the right to provide information about illegal transactions, if their illegality is proven and properly executed, to the official authorities, the management of the relevant online payment system, or to the victims at their request.
  3. The condition for the implementation of the exchange transaction is the withdrawal by the User of banknotes from an individual electronic wallet. At the same time, the User is personally responsible for the legality of the sources from which the funds are received, since the WillowsUnited Online Service does not have to check their origin.
  4. WillowsUnited online service is not responsible for exchange transactions performed by third parties with the permission of the User.
  5. By clicking on the "I agree with the exchange rules" button, the User agrees that he fully accepts all the terms of this Agreement.


  1. Verification of the User.

1. A prerequisite for this Agreement is the User"s readiness to undergo full verification at the first request of the WillowsUnited Online Service.

2. In the course of personal identification, the Online Service may request any personal data at its discretion.

3. The online service will collect, use and transfer information about the User in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

4. All wallet addresses of ongoing transactions on the Online Service undergo automatic AML verification. WillowsUnited has the right to request verification of the User if the client"s wallet address specified in the application is related to the following concepts:

  • Darknet Marketplace;
  • Darknet Service;
  • Fraudulent Exchange;
  • Illegal Service;
  • mixing service;
  • ransom;
  • scam;
  • Stolen Coins.

If connections are identified, then after verification, the funds will be returned to the sender"s details (minus a commission of 10%).


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